HOME SET Kitchen Set


SKU: #9621 Categories: ,

The Kitchen Cleaning set is suitable for cleaning the kitchen.

It is a perfect set to deal with the daily kitchen routine: dishwashing and cleaning of kitchen units and tables. The fibers included in the set remove crumbs, absorb moisture and dirt, keeping them inside and leaving no stains.

The set includes the following items:

  • HOME А3, Kitchen fiber. Kitchen fiber

The fiber perfectly absorbs moisture, making the kitchen units shine. It is wear-resistant, and is recommended for dry cleaning.

  • HOME S1, Washing fiber. Dish washing fiber

The soft side of the fiber delicately washes dishes, while the hard side removes stubborn dirt. It is recommended for wet cleaning.

  • HOME A4, Unisoft. Universal fiber

It perfectly absorbs moisture and removes various kinds of dirt from any surfaces, including metal and chrome coatings. It leaves no streaks or lint. It is recommended for wet and dry cleaning.

